Wednesday, January 18, 2017

2017 New Years Resolution: Ready-to-Wear fast for 365 days


So for this post - #2! - I wanted to discuss new years resolutions. I know people who make them every year and I make them as well -- I think its always good to make new years resolutions, whether you follow them or not. It's good to take stock of the past year and make goals for the future.

Just the practice of setting goals can be a healthy exercise in self-reflection.

So with the beginning of the new year, I, like many other people made 2017 resolutions. However, I didn't just make one, as is one of my peculiarities, I made a list of them:

- Cook at home/Prepare meals for the week (to decrease the temptation to order out!)
-Buy an actual newspaper...and read it
-Finish some long standing unfinished (sewing) projects
-Learn a new skill
-Create a budget...and follow it

There may have been a few other resolutions that came and went from the list but these were the big five.

However, there was one more I have always been tempted to add to my resolution lists since 2014  but it has always seemed a little too intimidating to commit to...a resolution guaranteed to fail within the first month... a resolution to buy no new clothing for the year(!) and instead sew any clothes I may need during that time.

Seems an impossible goal - guaranteed to fail, I mean lets face it, in today's society we are surrounded by temptation!

However reading others posts regarding pledges to "ready-to-wear fast" shows that it an be done and be fun at the same time!! (a link to my original inspiration:

With the creation of this blog and a re-invigoration of my interest in sustainability I find myself brave enough to add it to the list!

So, new years resolution #6... or maybe we should bump it to the top of the list and make it new years resolution #1:  No new store bought clothes for 365 days with two exceptions:

1) Clothing from consignment shops and second-hand stores
2) Underwear, socks, swimwear...and a few exercise pieces

And because no-one is perfect I will give myself one "Fashion Emergency" card to pull out in case I find myself...well, in an "emergency" where I must buy new clothing.

And finally, another requirement is that if I fail miserably (as with most new years resolutions this is completely possible) I will admit it:)

So with this pledge in mind I share a link to a recent article I came across describing the 2017 eco-friendly pledges of leading fashion designers:

Do you have a 2017 pledge related to sustainability and fashion? If so, I would love to hear it!

Sew on,

E. Farley